Table of Contents

Differences between versions of the game

Public version

Free version available to everyone.


  1. Free

How to get

Download links are available on the main page of the website and on the

Early Access

Released 2 weeks before the public version release. Available to paid subscribers starting from Kunoichi Access level.


  1. Paid
  2. Released earlier than the public version
  3. New content
  4. Purchasing a subscription grants access to Patron Code, which gives access to paid mods.

How to get

  1. Subscribe to the Kunoichi Access level on Boosty, Patreon or Subscribe Star.
  2. Go to Patron's account on the official website.
  3. Download the version for the desired platform.

Dev build

The version with the most recent changes. Updated daily. Available for paid subscribers starting from Anytime Access level.


  1. Paid
  2. Latest changes available
  3. Updated daily
  4. No translation (new content can be in Russian or English)
  5. Bugs may be present
  6. If you buy a subscription, you get access to Patron Code, which gives you access to paid mods.

How to get

  1. Subscribe to the Anytime Access level on Boosty, Patreon or Subscribe Star.
  2. Go to Patron's account on the official website.
  3. Download the version for your desired platform.

Similar to the public version. The difference is that this version does not require Patron Code. All paid mods are already included in the game.


  1. Paid
  2. Does not require Patron Code
  3. All paid mods already included
  4. Updated with the release of the public version
  5. Patron mods that came out after the release will be available in the next update

How to get

Buy the game at